Jaimie Monk

Jaimie Monk

Jaimie joined Motu Research as a Fellow in 2022 after finishing her PhD in Public Policy at Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington.


Jaimie’s areas of research interest include child poverty, family wellbeing, housing, children’s technology use and behavioural economics for public policy.


Her work at Motu involves using data from the Growing Up in New Zealand study to understand how public housing affects children’s wellbeing as part of the Public Housing and Urban Regeneration project with the New Zealand Centre for Sustainable Cities.


In 2022 Jaimie was awarded the Jan Whitwell Prize for doctoral research by the New Zealand Association of Economists for work from her PhD thesis which addressed the effect of income on children’s behavioural development.


Jaimie is based in Christchurch and, in her spare time, enjoys being anywhere outdoors and beating her family at board games.