Working at Motu

This is the page for information about job vacancies at Motu including:



Are you interested in visiting Motu as a researcher?

Motu hosts top economic researchers visiting New Zealand, including those undertaking a sabbatical. Past visiting researchers from top universities have come to Motu to collaborate on research projects, have given seminars in Motu’s Public Policy Seminar Series, and made use of our resources and networks.

If you wish to be a visiting researcher, you can collaborate with Motu Senior Fellows and make use of Motu’s research and datasets. You are also able to utilise our networks with other researchers in New Zealand working in Universities or in Crown Research Institutes. Motu can also facilitate access to key people in government agencies.

If you are studying towards a PhD and wish to undertake an empirical research project using the microeconomic data on firms, households and individuals housed at Statistic NZ, you may wish to apply for the Statistics NZ Motu Programme for PhD Student Research.

Motu has very little funding to directly support visiting researchers, so you will likely need to source your own.

If you are interested in visiting Motu, please contact any of the Senior Fellows.