Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.
The global financial crisis is still having an impact on New Zealand eight years later. Researchers at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research - a not-for-profit, non-partisan research institute – have just published an article…
Apr 1, 2015
Manatū Taonga - the Ministry for Culture and Heritage has recently published video of Motu Senior Fellow Arthur Grimes presenting “Value and Culture - An Economic Framework”. The video is intended as a resource to accompany “Value and…
Nov 5, 2014
In this issue: The Role of Technology Policy in Addressing Climate Change Value and Culture The Long and Winding Road to Policy Certainty on Emissions Pricing
Sep 30, 2014
In this issue: Life after Kyoto: how could New Zealand’s decision to opt out of the Kyoto protocol affect the way we address climate change over the next decade? “Warm Up New Zealand: Heat Smart” evaluation National Wellbeing…
Jan 30, 2013
In this issue: Historical Land Use Patterns: Learning about Rural Land Use Change The International Diffusion of Knowledge Creating a Forest Profit Dataset
May 30, 2012
In this issue: Patterns of Population Location in Auckland Designing Policy to Protect New Zealand’s Water Quality Strengthening International Ties through Internships
Dec 20, 2011
In this issue: Managing risks in emissions trading markets. Looking forward after the quake. Saving New Zealand: PAYGO v SAYGO super schemes.
May 18, 2011
TV3 News website has an article (at the bottom of the page) on Adam Jaffe and Trinh Le's paper on R&D subsidies and innovation.
RNZ News have an article and a short audio piece on our recent paper on the effects of the Canterbury earthquakes on workers.
Ever wanted to move to another part of the country? You could be either financially or emotionally better off if you take the plunge, according to two new reports released by the Motu Economic and…
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