Published: 2021
Authors: Lynn Riggs, Shakked Noy, Miranda Devlin, Philippa Howden-Chapman
This study, published on the Ministry of Social Development website, uses Growing Up in New Zealand (GUiNZ) data from 2010/11 to investigate the relationship between indoor damp, mould, cold and household crowding and the health outcomes of young children exposed to those conditions in Aotearoa.
The study is by Motu Research, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and the University of Otago.
The researchers recommend the relationship found between conditions in young children’s bedrooms and their adverse health outcomes warrants an assessment of latest WHO recommendations to reduce dampness and mould in children’s bedrooms. The researchers say the study suggests benefits to reducing young children’s exposure to these housing conditions, but a comprehensive approach may be needed. For example, requiring insulation can help improve indoor temperatures in homes, but these requirements may be less effective if heating is not affordable, if there is no ventilation, or if the insulation has been damaged.
NB: the data used in the study was taken from the 2010/2011 period and therefore predates recent government initiatives to improve housing conditions.
Riggs, Lynn, Shakked Noy, Miranda Devlin, Philippa Howden-Chapman. 2021. “Housing, Health and the Well-being of Children”. Ministry of Social Development. Wellington, New Zealand.
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