Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

131 - 140 of 410 items

New Zealand’s top towns to live and work

A new study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research for the Building Better Homes, Towns, and Cities (BBHTC) National Science Challenge uses a deep-dive analysis of census rent and wage data to compile quality of life…

Translating books: New evidence on the global diffusion of knowledge

Developing countries, which stand to benefit most from foreign knowledge, are the least able to access it. That's one of the findings of new research that uses book translations to examine how physical and cultural…

Motu News October 2018

From the Interim Director of Motu Research With sadness, but no little pride I can advise you that Suzi Kerr has accepted a position  as the Chief Economist at Environmental Defense Fund in New York, and…

Motu News October 2018

From the Interim Director of Motu Research With sadness, but no little pride I can advise you that Suzi Kerr has accepted a position  as the Chief Economist at Environmental Defense Fund in New York, and…

Prestigious Prize for Top Economic Student

Motu is pleased to announce the top economics tertiary student for 2018 is Nicolas Adams from the University of Canterbury, who has won this year’s Sir Frank Holmes Prize. The prize recognises Sir Frank Holmes as…

Falling for someone educated like you can increase inequality

The phenomenon whereby the highly-educated have partners who are also highly-educated has gained attention in popular media and academic research as a driver of inequality. Lead author Omoniyi Alimi of Waikato University, together with Motu’s Senior…

Reaction to IPCC Climate Report from Suzi Kerr and Catherine Leining

Motu researchers, Senior Fellow Suzi Kerr and Policy Fellow, Catherine Leining react to the IPCC's Special Report - on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission…

Niven Winchester co-author on MIT's 2018 Food, Water, Energy and Climate Outlook

Charting the Earth’s future for the 21st centuryMIT report highlights challenges and opportunities for conserving natural resources and stabilizing the climate CAMBRIDGE, MA—In 2015 the Paris Agreement specified the need for its nearly 200 signatory nations…

Short musical tribute to the first decade of the NZ ETS

On 25 September 2018, the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) marked its first decade since entry into law. A new video “The NZ ETS: Beyond the Barricade” has been released in honour of…

Curious Minds: Isabelle Sin

Curious Minds is featuring Motu's Isabelle Sin as their woman in STEM this week.  "Find something you love and work to become awesome at it. You don’t want to be stuck in a job that bores you…