Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.
Isabelle Sin, one of Motu's Fellows, has been appointed to the Fair Pay Agreement Working Group. The Terms of Reference for the working group are on the MBIE website. The working group will look at: the criteria…
Jun 7, 2018
NZ is similar to the rest of the world in that the gender pay gap is larger among parents than people without children. Research from Isabelle Sin, Kabir Dasgupta and Gail Pacheco shows the hourly…
May 29, 2018
The most famous mother-to-be in the country is due to give birth in less than a month, after which she plans to head back to work and her prime ministerial salary. That’s not the norm…
May 29, 2018
A political policy shibboleth frequently trundled out to accompany proposals for government-funded infrastructures is that government-funded fiber networks will close digital divides between population groups: rich and poor, rural and urban, advantaged and disadvantaged ethnic…
May 21, 2018
Motu research analysts on ending inequality in one ‘easy’ step, passing exams without studying, mansion taxes, volcanic smog, drug prices, whether carbon taxes kill jobs, the economic guide to picking a uni course, two obligatory…
May 18, 2018
Several of Motu's researchers commented on elements of the first Labour/Green/NZ First budget: In The Spinoff - Catherine Leining opines on why this must be the last budget where climate change isn’t a top priority The Science…
May 18, 2018
From the Interim Director of Motu ResearchWelcome to Motu News May 2018! Motu Research is known for quality research on wide-ranging public policy issues amenable to economic analysis. In this issue we report on research…
May 16, 2018
The NZ climate change podcast imaginemyrelief interviewed Suzi Kerr recently and together they tried imagining a future where emissions are finally under control. Check it out. Below is a list of the major topics at different time…
May 15, 2018
New Zealand's population is growing quickly but some economists and environmentalists say population growth comes at a cost. Dr Suzi Kerr from Motu and Professor Paul Spoonley from Massey University discuss the economic and environmental…
May 13, 2018
The New Zealand Government has spent over $1 billion since 2008 developing an ‘ultra-fast broadband’ (UFB) network. A new study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust looks at the access that New Zealanders…
May 11, 2018
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