Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

181 - 190 of 410 items

What drives the gender pay gap?

The earnings differential between men and women is a recurring topic in academic research and policy debates. While the gender pay gap is sometimes interpreted as a blatant sign of discrimination that calls for stricter…

The risks of living near the ocean

Would you buy a house that might flood in the future, and how much would you pay for it? Eloise Gibson of Newsroom talks to the researchers working out the effect of sea level rise…

How climate change could send your insurance costs soaring

Climate change is not only set to transform our environment, it's also likely to cause insurance costs to skyrocket. This in-depth article from Stuff talks to a variety of learned folk and looks at some…

A Motu Top 10 on festive giving ideas; gender, nature and nurture; lost Einsteins; how Nazis are made; paywalls; potatoes and productivity, Mugabe's lottery win & climate change in the USian mind

Today's Top 10 at is a guest post from Kate Preston, Shakked Noy, Nathan Chappell and Sally Owen from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. It looks at festive giving ideas; gender, nature and nurture;…

Motu Annual Report 2017

The 2016-17 Annual Report for Motu Economic and Public Policy Research is now available. The Motu Annual Report tells the story of Motu throughout the year, giving both financial information and an outline of the organisation's…

New videos explain emissions trading and how it helps NZ reduce climate change

New Zealand’s 2017 election renewed debate about how emissions trading can support New Zealand’s transition to a successful low-emission economy. To help explain how the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS) works, Motu Economic and…

PhD Scholarships Available

Motu is involved with Te Pūnaha Matatini, which is offering scholarships for PhD students studying a wide variety of subjects. Students will be supervised by Motu staff on three of these projects: The Science of Science Funding with Adam…

Could shared equity schemes be a way for the new government to forge a new path in state housing?

Gareth Vaughan of takes a look at a shared equity scheme that was proposed and rejected for Tamaki. This is both an article and a video with Pat Snedden and Arthur Grimes. More...

Opportunity for Ardern over 'wellbeing'

Colin James writes in the Otago Daily Times about what the Treasury is telling Grant Robertson about ''wellbeing economics''. This includes a look at Arthur Grimes's work. More...

New view on gas emissions welcome

Richard Rennie of Farmers Weekly talks with Suzi Kerr and others about the way that foresters, environmentalists and climate change experts are welcoming the Government’s policy moves to manage the country’s runaway gas emissions. More...