Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.
Anne-Marie Brook talks about the Human Rights Measurement Initiative on RNZ's Nine to Noon with Kathryn Ryan. Ms Brook said the tool was developed to cover serious gaps in the way human rights performance of countries…
May 3, 2018
Today’s release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report on New Zealand’s possible approaches towards reaching a low-emission economy was supported by work from researchers at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. “Our transition must be built…
Apr 27, 2018
More Kiwis want action on climate change than at any time in the past decade - but large numbers still don't see a need to deal with it now, or even at all. Horizon Research's latest…
Apr 26, 2018
A new report released by the the Deep South National Science Challenge, Communities and climate change: Vulnerability to rising seas and more frequent flooding, highlights key gaps in our collective understanding about how climate change…
Apr 20, 2018
Motu Senior Fellow, Dr Suzi Kerr has been appointed to the Interim Climate Change Committee. The Committee's goal is getting New Zealand down to net-zero emissions by 2050, with 100 per cent renewable electricity generation by…
Apr 17, 2018
K Chad Clay writes in The Conversation about new human rights metrics. This year, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will mark its 70th anniversary, but despite progress in some areas, it remains difficult to measure…
Apr 6, 2018
Based in New Zealand, and operating internationally, the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI) is the first global project to track the human rights performance of countries around the world. This is the first set of robust,…
Mar 27, 2018
In a controversial move, the Reserve Bank will include full employment in its policy targets, rather than focusing solely on price stability. The bank will also move to policy by committee instead of leaving interest…
Mar 26, 2018
This top ten list at was compiled by Sally Owen, Kate Preston, and Nathan Chappell, research analysts at Motu. Read more.
Mar 23, 2018
Colin James in the Otago Daily Times discusses the new four-yearly investment statement from The Treasury and mentions the Human Rights Measurement Initiative project hosted by Motu. More here.
Mar 20, 2018
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