Motu News

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231 - 240 of 410 items

Seminar on Wages, Wellbeing & Location

You are warmly invited to a free seminar from the NZ Centre for Sustainable Cities with speakers Arthur Grimes and Philip S Morrison. Location location location! What are the important attributes of places for people’s decisions…

Why does New Zealand keep building such massive houses?

New Zealand has some of the largest and most overpriced houses anywhere in the world. In the Spinoff Motu Research affiliate Andrew Coleman looks at little-discussed tax change in 1989 which sowed the seeds for…

Is tax distortion responsible for our housing crisis?

New research is claiming that New Zealand has one of the most distorted tax environments for housing of any country in the OECD. Dr. Andrew Coleman, an Affiliate of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research,…

NZ’s Distortionary Tax System Contributes to Housing Crisis

NZ has one of the most distortionary tax environments for housing of any country in the OECD. It wasn’t always this way. But new research from Andrew Coleman, an Affiliate of Motu Economic and Public Policy…

In Africa, the change is palpable. In NZ it’s starting to hurt, too. So enough with the Smart Alec approach to climate

The excuses are feeble and unacceptable. We need to take sincere, authentic, practical and innovative action to reduce climate gas emissions at home, writes Bronwyn Hayward in The Spinoff. An Associate Professor of Political Science at…

Freshwater reforms' emissions impact 'minimal'

Jamie Morton writes in the NZ Herald that "The effect of the Government's freshwater reforms on slashing greenhouse gas emissions will be "minimal" unless they result in a large amount of trees being planted."  More...

Freshwater reforms may have minimal impact on greenhouse gas emissions

Two separate independent studies have found that the incidental impact of freshwater reforms on greenhouse gas emissions will not be large unless they lead to a lot more trees being planted. The National Policy Statement for…

Insurance, Housing and Climate Adaptation Coverage

As New Zealand counts the cost of widespread flooding this month, a new report from Motu and Deep South Science Challenge researchers identifies key questions we need to answer to better prepare our coastal communities…

Carbon report: Plant native trees, save cash

Jamie Morton reports in the NZ Herald: The case to plant more native forests to off-set emissions has been again pushed in another major research report - and this time, researchers say businesses could benefit. Wellington-based Motu…

More native forest can help firms manage emissions obligations

Companies with high greenhouse gas emissions face the risk of high costs in a carbon market where prices could soar as high as US$190 per unit. Researchers at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research have…