Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

211 - 220 of 410 items

The ETS is ready to reduce New Zealand’s emissions

So far our Emissions Trading Scheme has been deemed largely ineffectual, thanks to low-integrity overseas credits and low emission prices. Motu’s Catherine Leining believes recent global and local changes mean the ETS can do its…

Edmund Hillary Fellow Anne-Marie Brook

EHF Fellow Anne-Marie Brook is developing the Human Rights Measurement Initiative. Working in her OECD office in Paris in the mid-2000s, Anne-Marie Brook found herself looking for data sets that could help support economic advice to…

The value of patents & their “window on the innovation process”

For tracking the influence and progression of ideas and advances, one tool that has proved to be invaluable is citation analysis – quantifying and examining the previous works that a given scientific paper cites, as…

Emissions Trading and Forestry in NZ

New Zealand is the first, and still the only, country to fully include forest landowners in a greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme, the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS). A new paper released today…

How longer term insurance policies could prevent mortgage defaults in the future

Jenee Tibshraeny from reports on rising sea levels & the 'no insurance no mortgage' dilemma, with response from the insurance companies. "Climate change - when does it get real? When a king tide and cyclone collide…

Emissions Trading Scheme review - reaction

The Government today announced a package of changes to the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) following a review of the system. Catherine Leining, Motu's Policy Fellow, responded in the media: NZ Herald - Brian Fallow: Govt's carbon policy?…

Director role: advice and influence at the highest level

It doesn’t take long for visitors to the office of Adam Jaffe, Director of Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, to notice a framed replica of the Nobel Peace Prize on the wall. After letting…

Coverage of Valuing Sunshine paper

The paper discussing the value of sunlight to homeowners was mentioned in: TVNZ Breakfast - Will sunshine change the way we build? at 33.50 RNZ Nine to Noon - Giving sunshine a price tag BRANZ - Assessing a site…

A new approach to emissions trading in a post-Paris climate

We explore in The Conversation how New Zealand, a trailblazer for emissions trading, might drive a low-emission transformation, both at home and overseas. More...

Q&A: What Kiwis think about climate change

Waikato University researchers have begun a new study that will canvas Kiwis on how New Zealand can prepare for climate change. The two-year research project - supported with a $270,000 research grant from the Deep South…