Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

271 - 280 of 410 items

Motu offers Maori research boost

Economic and public policy research firm Motu is offering students of Maori descent a one-year $10,000 scholarship to help with work on an Honours, Masters or PhD thesis. More at Waatea News...

Rod Oram: Agriculture's great opportunity to lead the low carbon race.

New Zealand is unique in the world when it comes to agriculture and climate change, our government and farmers tell us. No we aren't, the United Nation's scientists prove to us. More from the Sunday Star…

Low biological emissions future for NZ red meat sector

MeatExportNZ has a thorough article about the release of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's report on Climate Change and Agriculture. You can read it here.

Parliament gets an environmental 'reality check'

Parliament's independent environmental watchdog has issued what she calls a "reality check" about the urgent need to reduce agricultural emissions. Check out Motu's Suzi Kerr and Jan Wright (the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment) on…

Addressing the agricultural emissions question

Biological emissions from agriculture (methane and nitrous oxide) make up almost half New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions. There is still little agreement, however, on how to address farming emissions. Motu Economic and Public Policy Research…

Emissions Trading Scheme 'not the silver bullet' for agriculture emissions, says commissioner

The NZ Herald reported on the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment's climate change and agriculture report and quoted Suzi Kerr here.

Motu News Update October 2016

Director’s LetterIn September I attended the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”) ‘Blue Skies’ Forum on Science and Innovation Indicators in Belgium. This is a conference held every ten years to discuss what kinds…

Spending on ‘intangibles’ fosters firm growth but doesn’t boost productivity

New Zealand scores notoriously low on productivity measures and there is a big push to discover why. The most recent research into productivity from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust looks at the possible…

Seminar: Energy Transition and the Exit of Coal

Auckland Public Policy Seminar, Monday 10 October, 12.30-2pm Robb Lecture Theatre, University of Auckland (Grafton Campus), 85 Park Rd. Frank Jotzo and Andy Philpott will discuss how the transition away from coal in Australia’s electricity system could…

Apartments slowly entering first-home buyer psyche: myvalocity

An article from, quoting Arthur Grimes. First-home buyers are buying more apartments and flats, but the Kiwi dream of a standalone house is still strong. New data shows that nearly a quarter of all sales to…