Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

291 - 300 of 410 items

Q&A - Grimes on Impact of Housing Crisis for non-Aucklanders

Q and A covers the Auckland Housing Crisis and the Unitary Plan. Arthur Grimes is interviewed (at 9:55) about the impact of Auckland housing prices on the rest of the country. More...

How right price, right credits would suit farmers

A carbon price of $25 and a 50 per cent allocation of free credits would make the Emissions Trading Scheme viable for some farmers, a new report shows. More at CarbonNews (paywalled).

Calls for overhaul of RBNZ inflation target

The emergence of persistently low inflation has prompted calls for an overhaul of the Reserve Bank's inflation target - RNZ News Former Reserve Bank chairman Arthur Grimes, now senior fellow of Motu Research, favours tweaking the PTA…

Toby Moore: Bursting bubble will hurt everyone

This piece in the NZ Herald is opinion by Toby Moore, a research fellow at the Institute for Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University. "Economist Arthur Grimes' recent proposal to crash Auckland house prices by 40 per…

Motu News Update, July 2016

Director’s ReportMotu is dedicated to the idea that careful and systematic analysis of policy issues, and widespread understanding of such analyses, lead to better policy choices. Recently, it seems this idea is up for debate. From…

Treasury suggests agriculture could be included in ETS

Catherine Leining comments on this news story: The Treasury says the Government faces big bills in the future through the Emissions Trading Scheme, and suggests one solution could be to make agriculture start paying its…

Motu News Update, July 2016

Director’s ReportMotu is dedicated to the idea that careful and systematic analysis of policy issues, and widespread understanding of such analyses, lead to better policy choices. Recently, it seems this idea is up for debate. From the Brexit…

University cities experience higher population and employment growth

Local areas with universities experience faster population and employment growth. A study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research Trust looked at differences between New Zealand Territorial Local Authorities with a university or polytechnic. The research…

Motu and Poutama's role in Māori Enterprise Research

About three years ago, Poutama entered into a partnership with Motu, one of the country’s leading independent economic and public policy think tanks. The idea behind the union was to bring to bear Motu’s intellectual…

How to Fix a Broken Auckland

Arthur Grimes wrote an opinion piece for The Spinoff, detailing his fixes for the Auckland housing crisis. You can find it here. Coverage of Arthur's comments (originally made in a panel on the future of Auckland…