Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

301 - 310 of 410 items

Motu rises in climate think tank rankings

Motu is now the 14th most influential climate change think tank in the world, according to the International Center for Climate Governance. This fourth edition of ICCG’s Climate Think Tank Ranking assessed 240 non-University affiliated think tanks…

Generation Zero willing to forfeit quarter-acre dream

This is a run down of the panel discussing The Future of Auckland Housing that included Arthur Grimes. Former Reserve Bank chairman Arthur Grimes said that before 2007, Americans also believed home ownership equalled success, but…

90 day trial periods have little to no effect

The introduction of 90-day trial periods in 2009 was controversial, with the government promoting the initiative as likely to increase hiring, particularly of disadvantaged job-seekers, and unions concerned that workers would be at risk of…

Coverage of 90 Day Trial Research

The following media outlets covered Isabelle Sin and Nathan Chappell's research on the impact of 90 day trials on employment: TVNZ, ONE News - 'We're comfortable the law is working' – Key dismisses report on 90 day…

Fishing For Bright Spots in a World of Sick Reefs

Climate Central has an article quoting Suzi Kerr about international fish stocks: Fishing For Bright Spots in a World of Sick Reefs. “The literature on common property resources would suggest that communities that are dependent on fisheries…

Motu research analysts look at food stamps, technology and productivity, Brexit and migration, taxing the poor, Presidential campaign myths, and more...

Every Friday, run a Top 10 at 10 linking to ten articles of interest. Today's Top 10 is a guest post from Motu research analysts Kate Preston, Nathan Chappell and Corey Allan. Find out what they've…

Motu selected as finalist in AUT Excellence in Business Support Awards

Motu Economic and Public Policy Research has been selected as a finalist in the 2016 AUT Business School Excellence in Business Support Awards. Recognised for excellence in the not for profit category, Motu will join finalists…

Experts call for infrastructure focus in Government's national policy statement on housing

Motu senior research fellow and former Reserve Bank chairman Arthur Grimes said the NPS would not solve Auckland's problems overnight, as boosting the city's housing supply would take 10 to 20 years. "People concentrating on quick…

PM's housing plan criticised

Motu Research senior fellow Arthur Grimes peer-reviewed the report. Land price triggers could help Auckland but only in the long-term and only as part of a package of solutions, he said. "The idea that anybody could…

Stewardship or spin: Conservation and Budget

Catherine Leining from economic research institute Motu said "restoring a full-unit obligation in the NZ ETS represents an important step forward for incentivising domestic mitigation but future emission prices remain uncertain in the absence of…