Motu News

Here's where you can find out how Motu Research is making and breaking news.

311 - 320 of 410 items

Rents go up but wages can't keep up in the Waikato

People renting homes in the Waikato are sacrificing more of their weekly income as demand for properties in the region continues to grow. Arthur Grimes is reported in the Waikato Times.

Cutting emissions not impossible - NZ Farmers Weekly

Suzi Kerr talks to NZ Farmers Weekly about how pastoral grazing systems and already efficient farms make reducing greenhouse gas emissions a challenge but not impossible.

Motu News May 2016

Motu participates with researchers from several universities in Te Punaha Matatini—a Centre of Research Excellence devoted to modelling and understanding complex systems. TPM director Shaun Hendy has just published an important book Silencing Science (BWB…

An Inconvenient Truth - what stacks up, 10 years on

May 24, 2016, marks 10 years since the release of Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, which made claims about the effects of global warming around the world. Rachel Thomas from talks to Catherine Leining about…

Christchurch workers more likely to have jobs and earn more

Since devastating earthquakes struck over five years ago, workers in the Greater Christchurch region have bounced back from short-term job loss and are now more likely to have jobs, less likely to be on the…

Coverage of earthquake's impact on employees paper

Arthur, Levi and Richard's paper on the effects of a disaster on employees was featured in The Press and on Newshub.

Comment on Labour's plan to abolish Auckland's RUB

From Bernard Hickey at Labour's Housing and Auckland Issues spokesman Phil Twyford has called on the Government to use its upcoming National Policy Statement on housing and urban land use to abolish Auckland's Rural Urban…

The great climate change rort: NZ Listener article

The recent article by Rebecca Macfie examining New Zealand's climate change policy is now available online. It quotes Suzi Kerr and Catherine Leining and takes a special look at the emissions trading scheme.

Surprising Pockets of Productivity in the Construction Sector

Previous studies of the New Zealand construction industry have found poor productivity performance. However, a new study from Motu Economic and Public Policy Research -- a not-for-profit, non-partisan research institute -- uses data from individual…

Researcher weighs in on carbon trading tool

The NZ Herald reports: A researcher who was heavily involved in the design of New Zealand's Emissions Trading Scheme says a new cap could make the much-criticised carbon trading tool effective again. More... This story was…